GuardPrivacy is a WHOIS privacy service offered to domain name owners through our partners,
When you register a domain name, you are required to provide accurate contact information. Unfortunately, this information is made publicly available via the public WHOIS database as mandated by ICANN, the international governing body for domain names. As a result, spammers and telemarketers often target this database, resulting in unsolicited contact. Additionally, your contact information being public puts you at risk of identity theft, fraud, harassment, and stalking.
GuardPrivacy protects your private information by replacing your publicly visible contact details with alternate contact information. This means that when a WHOIS query is performed on the domain, an alternate mailing address, email address, and phone number will be displayed. You will retain full ownership of the domain and have complete control over it.
For example, if you perform a WHOIS query on our domain,, you will see an example of how Privacy Protection works:
If someone tries to contact you using the alternate email address or phone number provided in the public WHOIS database, they will be directed to an online contact form. This form will then email the message to you. All mails sent to the alternate mailing address will be rejected. Privacy Protection can be disabled or enabled at any time and is provided absolutely free.
Secure your online identity with our WHOIS privacy protection services.
Protect Your Domain Now